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On board a Ferrari California to discover Rome

There are some sports cars that make you having intense emotions,cars that are born to be dreamed,carefully designed in every details to leave a lasting impression in the heart of those who guide.

Ferrari, Porsche, Jaguar, Aston Martin, Lamborghini, are some of the most famous international brands that have created models unique,made from long work,tests and changes for adapting to the changing tastes of each epoch.

Today the possibilities offered to fans of engines are so many, you just see the large park sports cars we have available for hire, to realize the incredible variety of solutions for every taste and desire.

Driving a dream car while crossing an unique place in the world is a difficult emotion to tell,an experience that should be tried at least once their life.

A city like Rome is certainly the ideal sitting to drive a sport car,a place full of charm that has been able to integrate modernity and history.

For this reason we want you to drive to discover some of the most beautiful to be achieved in an excellence sporting car, Ferrari California, a model that has made the history of the Italian automaker, the first to adopt the system coupé convertible.

Sports cars designed to be used for long journeys, comfortable and versatile, the right car to discover the city of Rome.

The most beautiful view points of Rome

Is not enough of course a newspaper to describe all the places to see in Rome aboard the Ferrari California, but undoubtely there are sights where really worth coming and enjoy the show.

First definitly, the nice view of the Gianicolo located between the Vatican and the Trastevere, which allows a grand panoramic view of the city and its historical monuments.

Colosseo di Roma

The advice is to get there around noon to see the traditional cannon shot, that from 1847 marks the rythm of the bells of Roman churches.

The aventine hills offers another glimpse of the beautiful city, especially here is the charming Orange garden, known not only for its colors, but also by a strange optical illusion due to the particular architectural layout of the buildings, for which the dome of St.Peter seems to be at the end of the garden.

For those who want to enjoy the historical center is the right spot on the Palatine to a height of 40 meters, where you have a full view of the Roman forum and the circus Maximus.

Another trill among the best known of Rome is the Pincio, allowing you to admire a large portion of that goes from Piazza del popolo at the villa Medici.

From here you can easily reach the villa Borghese park and may be stop to admire the extraordinary works housed inside the museum by artists of the fame like Bernini, Tiziano,Antonello da Messina, Rubens, Caravaggio.

The Palatine and the Pincio is located in the center, so you can get straight with your Ferrari california, but the view that you face is really worth.

We conclude this brief carriage of sights of Rome with a truly romantic, to be achieved at sunset, this is the viewpoint of Zodiac in Monte Mario at a height of 140 meters, with a very nice view of the Roman castle.

We are sure that Rome will fascinate you with its old charm, the ideal city to visit at the wheel of a wonderful Ferrari California available for rental at any time at Top Car Luxury.

By | 2020-01-24T13:22:48+02:00 January 27th, 2015|